Ditch The Plastic | Reusable Grocery Bags

Ditch The Plastic | Reusable Grocery Bags

The plastic bag is in use by consumers worldwide since the 1960s and now annually we use 5 trillion plastic bags per year! That’s 160,000 a second! The amount of plastic bags floating and flying around in fields, parks, trees and rivers is quite frightening. And growing all the time. The casual ‘throw away’ item that is the plastic bag, is now responsible for some of the…

Teepee tent

  I was always admiring teepee and wigwam tents. It looks such a lovely shelter for kids to play, explore and hide.  I wanted to make one for my little one and when my mum came over I thought it’s a perfect chance to use her skills and knowledge in sewing! We went to the…

Summer White

My favourite yarn at the moment is a natural blend of bamboo and cotton. I love bamboo cotton mainly because it feels incredibly soft, however, it has much more advantages.  Anti-ultraviolet nature of bamboo fibre has made it suitable for summer clothing, especially for the protection of pregnant ladies and children from the effect of…