Eco Baby | Eco Friendly Alternative to Plastic Umbilical Cord Clamp

Eco Baby | Eco Friendly Alternative to Plastic Umbilical Cord Clamp

Crochet umbilical ties are an eco-friendly, baby-skin-friendly alternative to the plastic clamps typically used in hospitals. Nertos juostelės virkštelės užrišimui yra draugiškos aplinkai, kūdikio odelei ir puiki alternatyva plastikiniams segtukams, kuriuos naudoja ligoninėse. Why Choose Crochet Umbilical Cord Ties? There are quite a few reasons why some mothers want to go for the alternative to…

Eco Home | Low Waste First Aid Kit

Eco Home | Low Waste First Aid Kit

In our family, we do not use many medications and our first aid kit is quite minimal. Before we seek for medications, we give a go for natural remedies such as essential oils, Epsom salt, herb or ginger tea with honey and lemon, elderflower syrup, healthy food, physical activity and lots of outdoors. However, I also…