‘Something else was different when we were young: our parents were outdoors. I’m not saying they were joining health clubs and things of that sort, but they were out of the house, out on the porch, talking to neighboors. As far as physical fitness goes, today’s kids are the sorriest generation in the history. Their parents may be out jogging, but the kids just aren’t outside.’
R. Louv “Last Child in the Woods”
This extract from the book I am currently reading is really touching. As you know, there has been a significant decline in the amount of time children spend outdoors, which is directly linked to a number of profound impacts on their health and wellbeing, as well as their relationship with nature. The Wild Network is on a mission to “re-wild” childhood and encourages to reach the outdoors as often as possible. Muddy Puddles have teamed up with them for a series of wonderful outdoor events – Wild & Muddy Adventures!
Laikas, kurį vaikai praleidžia lauke, vis mažėja. Tai įtakoja ne tik vaikų fizinę bei psichologinę sveikatą, bet ir jų ryšį su gamta. The Wild Network yra organizacija, kurios tikslas sugrąžinti vaikams pašėlusią laukinę vaikystę. Organizacija įvairiais būdais skatina praleisti kuo daugiau laiko lauke ir susivienijusi su Muddy Puddles suorganizavo nemokamus renginius šeimoms – Wild & Muddy Adventures!
This weekend a Wild & Muddy Adventure took place in Bristol, Brandon Hill Nature Park. Of course, we were there as it was a perfect opportunity for my little Muddy Puddler to experience some wild play and outdoor learning for herself. At the beginning, everyone received a goody back packed full of fun activities.We were spotting wild colours, enjoyed science and sensory challenges and made a nature crown.
[P.S.: as an eco-minded person, I hope that organisers will consider replacing plastic bags with eco-friendly paper bags]
Šį savaitgalį, Wild & Muddy Adventure vyko Bristolyje, miesto centre esančiame Brandon Hill gamtos parke. Žinoma, mes ten dalyvavome, juk negalėjau atimti iš savo mažosios tokio smagaus šanso pasibūti lauke, mokintis pažinti gamtą bei išmokti naujų dalykų. Visi mažieji dalyviai gavo po krepšelį, kuriame buvo paruošti reikmenys įvairiems užsiėmimams. Savo nuotykius pradėjome ieškodami įvairių gamtos spalvų, atlikome įvairias mokslines užduotis, statėme medžio lindynes, gaminome gamtos karūnas.
[P.S.: tikiuosi, organizatoriai apsvarstys mano pasiūlymą plastiko krepšelius pakeisti popieriniais, draugiškais aplinkai]
Rolling down the hill!
Never miss an opportunity to spend some time outdoors and get to know nature. It is vital for our kids’ wellbeing! We had an amazing time outdoors thanks to Wild&Muddy Adventure!
Niekada nepraleiskit progos ką nors naujo bei įdomaus nuveikti su vaikais lauke, pažinti gamtą. Tai vaikų gerovei ir sveikatai yra svarbiau nei galite įsivaizduoti. Dėkojam Wild&Muddy Adventure už galimybę taip smagiai pasibūti gamtoje!